Mr. April
Quintin Rudolf Schumann was born on April 21 at 11:28am...7lbs, 14oz, 21 inches long. He's a happy, healthy baby who makes the greatest faces and brings so much joy to our hearts & our family!!
THANK YOU to each of you for your prayers and sending intentions to me for labor. I was so blessed to be able to offer up the labor pains for such worthy intentions. We had over 100 intentions...multiple for many people. Each contraction Ben would read out the intention and it helped me stay focused on relaxing and made my labor a prayer to God!

I was induced on April 21 at 6:00am and by the grace of God and so many intentions I was able to labor naturally for 5 1/2 hours. Transition & pushing started just as I had finished all the intentions....thank YOU for making that possible! I was determined to labor naturally through all the intentions and then get the epidural, but because I got to transition at the end of the transitions it was GO time and I completed the rest of labor without an epidural! It was a true honor to pray for each intention per contraction.

Just in case you're not on facebook, we've shared some photos in an album (you don't have to have a facebook account to look at them, just click on the link below)
Many prayers & blessings for each of you. As many of you know, there is still pain after delivery so I continue to pray for you & these intentions. Please let me know if the Lord has answered these prayers...these are his GLORY stories :)
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